URL Shortener System Design


Functional Req.

  • Given a Long URL, generate a unique short URL.

  • Given a short URL, redirect to a long URL

  • Customized URL,(User should be able to pick a custom short link)

  • TTL (User should be able to specify the expiration time)

Non-Functional Req.

  • The system should be highly available.

  • With min latency

  • Non-predictable

  • Analytics

Design Constraint

  • Generated per second

  • Length of the short URL,  Let’s start with 7

  • Char set in the short URL; A-Z, a-z, 0-9

STEP - 2

Microservice Design Decision

  • URL Shortener Microservices

  • All requirements can handle the same team

  • A single microservice - A depth-oriented problem

STEP - 3

Drawing logic architecture

STEP - 4A 


Default we can multiple every tier 3X 

  • App server tier, In-memory Tier, Storage Tier

  • Data Model

    • Short URL/unique ID, Long URL, TTL, creation time

    • K: Short URL/unique id,  V: Rest of the stuff

    • APIs

      • create(Long URL) -> create(V)

      • read(short URL) -> read(K)

      • Similar to CRUD APIs

        • create (K,V), read(K), update(K,V), delete(K)

  • How to organize data

    • Hash Map - In memory

    • Row Oriented with primary key index - in storage

  • Algorithms - not a dumb K-V store

APIs : 

create (Long URL)

  • Comes to app-server tier

  • Send directly to the storage tier

  • Give a unique integer id to the long URL

  • Store unique id: long URL in the storage tier

  • Store unique id: long URL in the cache tier - Cache Invalidation: write around caching

read (short URL)

  • App server gets the request by the short URL

  • Converts back to unique Id

  • Send to cache tier

  • Cache tier check hashmap and returns if the cache hit

  • Has URL expired or user does not any permission = Return error 401

  • Goes storage tier and retrieves the record from storage tier

    • If LRU, keep the K-V in cache

Logical Block Diagram

Algorithm Encoding System

  • We need an encoding system for encoding long URL to short URL

  • Convert a unique id to 7 chars long string

  • [A-Z, a-z, 0-9]) and if we add ‘+’ and ‘/’ we can use Base64 encoding.

  • We can use Base 64 encoding, 7 positions = 64 ^ 7 unique short URL possible  ~ 4 Trillion, would suffice for our system.

Key Generation Service - (KGS)

  • We can have a separate Key Generation Service (KGS) that generates random seven-letter strings beforehand and stores them in the database. 

  • Whenever we want to shorten a URL, we will take one of the already-generated keys and use it. 

  • Simple and fast. 

  • KGS will make sure all the keys inserted into key-DB are unique.

Purging Or DP Cleanup

  • Whenever a user tries to access an expired link, we can delete the link and return an error to the user.

  • A separate Cleanup service can run periodically to remove expired links from our storage and cache.

  • We can put a default TTL (2 years)

  • After removing an expired link, we can put the key back in the key-DB to be reused.


Capacity Req - How to scale

2 - 3 billion short links created every year. We gonna find query per second - qps = ~ 73 qps
20 billion clicks per month. 7700 qps click short URL and redirects to long URL.
Hundred times more than the number of new mappings inserted into the hash table.
Reads: Writes ~ 100:1  So read-heavy system.

If needs detail : (
We calculated ~ 73 qps in write. 

Q = ~73 qps
We can think to store data for at least 3 years

3yrs = 365 x 3 days = ~ 1000 days

# of seconds per day  = 24 x 60 x 60 = 86400 = ~ 100,000 roughly friedly number.
# of seconds in 3 years = 1000 x 100,000 = 10^8
# of K-V pairs that will be inserted = Q x 10^8. We can say Q =  ~ 100.

Will be Q = 10^2 x 10^8 = 10^10 = 10 Billion.
We need to plan 10 Billion K-V pairs to store over 3 years.
Long Url = 2048 chars = 2 KB of space 

Short Url = 6 chars = 6 Bits. We can say totally K-V pairs ~ 2KB.
2Kb = 2000 bayts = 2 x 10^3
Totally  10 Billion (10^10) x 2 x 10^3 bytes = 20 x 10^12 = 20 TB


  • Need to scale for storage tier? Yes 

    • K (short URL ) + V (Long Url ) =  ~ 2 KB 

    • We can think to store data for at least 3 years. 

    • Roughly Data in 3 years 20 TB

    • Rule of thumb: 1-2 TB disk space per commodity machine. 

    • 20 TB / 2 TB  = 10 commodity machines each machine has 2 TB of disk space.

    • Default 10 x 3 replica = 30 replication / sharding

  • Need to scale for throughput? No 

    • We have a K-V store there is no high response time. There is no bulky system. 

    • Default 3 replica app tier would be enough

  • Need to scale for cache tier? Yes 

    • Let's say we are storing the 20% data in cache: 20% of 20 TB = 4TB (2 Billion K-V pairs in the cache)

    • The commodity cache server machine has 128 MB Ram.  4 TB / 128 GB = ~ 30 partitioning.

    • 30 x 3 = 90 sharded & replicated servers.

  • Need to scale API parallelization? No 

  • Availability? Replication factor

  • Hotspot? No 

  • Geo-location? No 

4C  Architecture  Layout 

App Tier : 

  • LB: Using IP Anycast for DNS Load Balancing. They will share typically the same IP address. When one of the LB is failing and passive, the other LB becomes active. They make a health check between both all the time.

  • App Tier servers are stateless servers. So we don’t need to keep server information and session details. To handle transactions very fast. The implement is very easy on the internet. 

  • Just a round-robin request. This method cycles through a list of servers and sends each new request to the next server. When it reaches the end of the list, it starts over at the beginning.

Req1 > Server A , Req2 > Server B end of the server start again A

Cluster manager:  Heartbeat requests are being sent to a separate cluster manager and informing the load balancer. LB knows which server is currently healthy.

Cache or Storage Tier:

DB layer : (K,V) -> partition / shard id -> servers 

Config store maps shard id -> servers

Config store: Keeping track of how many servers are active and where are getting map does.
Which shards belongs to which server?

Like K: 4 → Server5, Server37, Server25.

This information pass to the LB. LB will go to Server5,or  Server 37 or Server25


● Sharding

Horizontal sharding by key

Shard 0 → Servers A, C, E (replication factor 3)

● Placement of shards in servers

○ Consistent hashing 

  • Consistent hashing is a very useful strategy for distributed caching systems and DHTs. It allows us to distribute data across a cluster in such a way that will minimize reorganization when nodes are added or removed. Hence, the caching system will be easier to scale up or scale down.

  • In Consistent Hashing, when the hash table is resized (e.g. a new cache host is added to the system), only ‘k/n’ keys need to be remapped where ‘k’ is the total number of keys and ‘n’ is the total number of servers. Recall that in a caching system using the ‘mod’ as the hash function, all keys need to be remapped.


● Replication

○ Yes for availability as well as for throughput

● CP or AP?

○ C

C: Consistency (should be the same data for every request) - 

P: Partitioning Tolerance -  The system continues to work despite message loss or partial failure.


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